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Terrarium:  This type of vivarium is intended for plants and animals that are terrestrial, or live on land.


Aquarium:  As the name implies, this type of vivarium features water.  Anything from your basic fish tank to large-scale planted aquascapes.


Paludarium:  A vivarium with a focus on terrestrial elements that includes water, such as a stream or small waterfall within the scape.


Riparium:  Like a paludarium, this also combines land and water, but with the focus being on the water.  These vivariums are meant to mimic marginal areas of wetland such as the banks of a river or lake.


Herpetarium:  Vivariums prepared with the proper husbandry for the housing of reptiles or amphibians.


Insectarium:  Vivariums prepared for the keeping of insects and other arthropods.


Kinocorium/Mycovarium:  This is a newer type of terrarium intended for growing mushrooms for display, often accented with moss or small plants.  Popularized in Japan, "kinocorium" comes from the work "kinoko," Japanese for mushroom.  I've personally taken to calling them "mycovarium," mycology being the scientific study of fungus and mushrooms.


Custom Backgrounds:  We can create naturalistic backgrounds and decor for any vivarium needs.  A river bank for the fish tank, a rocky outcrop for a desert scape, a waterfall to bring your indoor garden to life, or mimic the canopy with a planted background for your tree-dwelling herps.  A custom backround could be what takes your vivarium to that next level.


Go Bioactive:  A bioactive vivarium is one that includes small invertebrates and microorganisms to serve as a clean-up crew within the ecosystem.  Creatures such as springtails and isopods are popular within primarily terrestrial scapes.  These will eat mold that can develop in a moist environment as well as break down decaying plant matter and the waste of larger animals if the terrarium houses them.  Aquascapes have several options for a clean-up crew.  We already utilize beneficial bacteria in our filter systems, but adding organic substrates and plants also add to the ecosystem and cleanliness of the aquarium.  Adding small shrimp, snails, or a variety of small fish can aid in removing algae and breaking down the waste of larger fish.



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